Privacy Policy

Hello, and welcome to our privacy policy.
The purpose of this policy is to make it easy for you to understand how and why we process your personal data, and how we keep it secure.

We process your data on assignment from the organisation you belong to, or whomever is providing you with this service.
This means that we are personal data processors to the organisation which is responsible for the personal data.

Legal basis

The basis for processing personal data is normally the legitimate interest of your employer.
If you are a public employee in Sweden, the basis is that the process of personal data is necessary to complete a task that is of general interest.

The type of personal data we gather

All the data that we gather and process is connected to the provision of the service and its functions, which all focus on personal and organisational improvement.

Registration information:
* Your name and email address

Technical information, to make the service work as well as possible for you

Information that you choose to contribute yourself

Information that you give specific consent to


We use cookies, to make it easier to use the service.
A cookie is a small text file that is saved to your computer/mobile device.
We use two kinds of cookies.
Session cookie. To let you be logged in. This disappears from your computer when you close your browser.
Stay logged in cookie. Makes sure you are logged in for as long as you want to be.
You can choose to disable or remove cookies, which would decrease the functionality of the service.
All web browsers are different. Search your browser’s help function for information regarding changing your cookie preferences.

How we handle your information

* We do not give out information to any other country or any other party or organisation, who has no connection with the service. This is in exception to if we are required to, by law or authority decision, for example in case of a criminal investigation.

Your rights

You have several rights regarding your personal data:

If you want to use one of these rights, contact the person responsible for personal data.
If you access the service through your place of work, this is your employer.
Otherwise, contact the person you are buying the service from.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint to a regulatory authority. In Sweden, that is Datainspektionen,

Updates to our integrity policy

From time to time, we might update our integrity policy. When we do bigger updates, we communicate this to the organisations providing our services. But we encourage you to frequently revisit this integrity policy, which is always updated to the latest version.


You can reach us at:
Skillnad AB
Olof Palmes gata 23
111 22 Stockholm