Established methods support you

Teamr is based on research and experience.
That means that it contains a few smart models and methods that you can take with you as support whilst working with the team.
Alongside the model regarding the development of teams, which you’ve already seen, there are two models that Teamr is built upon:

The Team Quality model

In Teamr, you’ll receive completely tailor-made assignments to complete together.
What those assignments will be is decided by how you answer the mapping in Teamr, Team Quality Survey.
TQS is based on a model showing the qualities of a high functioning team, called the Team Quality model. Here is a short film all about it. Have a think about what yours and the team’s strengths and weaknesses are.

The Teamr Way

Using Teamr as support, you will activate new behaviours within the team. This film is about the ABC model, which shows you how to keep those new behaviours going.
Think about the role you play in following up what’s happening – and what isn’t.

HOT TIP: WATCH IT TOGETHER These films are available in the Teamr app so that everyone can see them when they are most relevant. But it might be a good idea to watch them together within the team before you start your Teamr journey. More about this in Start your team!

Become even more team smart

Here you can read more about the questions you need to agree on in a team.

TQS Psychometric qualities

Here you can read more about the mapping that’s used in Teamr.