Here is a smart method

Almost ready to begin! But before that, here is a very simple but very effective method to use during your meetings.

The IPA-method.

In some assignments, you’ll get a tip to use the IPA-method.

IPA stands for:
I = Individual
P = Pairs
A = All

  1. Ask the team a clear question. It’s often already formulated in the assignment you need to complete in Teamr. If you want to be extra clear – write the question in a place everyone can see.
  2. Ask everyone to individually think about the question for a few minutes.
    This is to make sure everyone gathers their own thoughts about the question, without being influenced by others in the team.
  3. Ask the team to divide into pairs (or trios). Allow them to share their thoughts with each other and, if needed, agree on something. Let this take about five minutes.
  4. Gather the smaller groups and ask them to share their thoughts and reflections.
  5. Gather the conversation and suggest something to agree on.